Use all of these "Visual Cues" to access the more than
50 Gigabytes of data from this Unit's Trip into Combat 


Learn about 4th Up MEDEVAC
Visit the Founding Fathers Today!
They support you in times of
AND in times of Hunger. 
Click on the picture to find out why!
Images taken on 20 April 2009
Re-Visit Christmas 2008 in Afghanistan


Click around Bastion (we think)
with the MEDEVAC Crew 
Soldier Submitted Photographs from
18 Jan 2008 thru 27 Dec 2009
If you have something to Contribute
Click on the picture 
Visit the Advance Party as they
arrived at FOB Shank


Join us as we Prepare for Combat
Join Us at Fort Sill
Visit NVARNG Day 2010 
Take part in a Combat Hoist Mission
conducted at 11,000 Feet MSL


and still MORE Shots 
Click here to visit Military Events before Mobilization
Go on a "Fly By" of Southern Afghanistan 
"click on the picture" and become a Numismatist


Find Your Soldier Today in the
"Picture of the Day" Archives 
Visit the Soldier Archives Today 
This is the link to the "Team" photographs 
Take a look at our Company Photographs


If you want to see small Photographs go
 "BIG" Click on the picture
The Video Page is a Must See
Watch as we Depart Stead
Airfield bound for Fort Sill
NCO Induction Ceremony


Go on "leave" with Sgt Garate
Visit The "Rogers Family Page"
Before Afghanistan Trip
Visit the "Viewer Submitted Photograph" Page
Take a look at the view from
the "room without a view"


Viewer Submitted Photographs
from 18 Jan 2008 thru 27 Dec 2009
Visit with the Chrisman's during the Captain's Leave
Sgt. Silva's photographs of Fort Sill 
AmandaScott's 9th Birthday


Images taken while on leave with family 21 April 2009
Take a look inside our Daily Lives while on tour
Viewer Submitted Photographs
from 28 Jan 2009 thru 5 Feb 2009
Witness AmandaScott's attempt to
charge Fees for her work


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